

Bepanthen Reaction Videos


Bepanthen is searching for real children who speak Spanish (or Spanglish) and have a clearly visible marking on their face for a case study video.


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  • Deliverables

    :15 - :30 Second Vertical Video

  • Shoot Location

    Mexico or South America

  • Usage

    Internal / Presentation / Award Show, Worldwide in Perpetuity

  • Fee

    $500 USD


Bepanthen is searching for real children who speak Spanish (or Spanglish) and have a clearly visible marking on their face for a case study video.


We are searching for real children who speak Spanish (or Spanglish) and have a clearly visible marking on their face. This could be any kind of mark from birthmarks, scarring, burns, rosacea, eczema, vitiligo etc.

***IMPORTANT: The initial stage of this brief will be to select / shortlist talent. Please submit a recent headshot of your proposed talent with clear visibility of their facial condition. A video is not due until awarded. ***

The awarded creators will shoot in early April when we’ll ask you to film a reaction video to an online tool we’ve created. This should come across as UGC / shot on phone (user-generated-content) that you would see on social platforms like TikTok & Instagram Reels. The child should have a noticeably positive / excited reaction engaging with the platform.

Background / What We’re After:
The project is intended to help kids with facial marks feel represented in children’s television. Further details can be shared once awarded.

Creative Direction:
Please show us a picture of the child you’re thinking about using for this project, with a clear visualization of the facial condition. If awarded, we will coordinate a production date in early April.

For the awarded creators, all final content should feel native to TikTok, Reels, etc. – filmed on iPhone or other mobile device for visual & social channel authenticity. We’re looking for natural, ecstatic reactions from kids in which you can clearly see their expression watching the experience on a tablet or laptop. These should be filmed in a home environment with ample lighting, with clear visibility of both the marking on the child’s face during their positive reaction as well as the platform on a computer.

Children / Latin X / Ages 4-12. Open to all genders, skin tones and body types. Under no circumstances will prosthetics or makeup be accepted. No toddlers. No teenagers. Parents must be seen or heard in the final video deliverable.

For the final video, both a phone or external mic audio are permitted – please ensure only audio is of talent reaction / no competing sounds / generally quiet environment

Final Video Graphic Direction:
Clean videos. No graphics, supers or overlays should be present.

Children must have real markings on their face, in a readily visible area – Must be between 4-12 years- old & there must be a parent/guardian somewhere in the context of the video.

Final Video General Guidelines:


  • DO capture with iPhone / mobile device; it must look & feel like typical UGC
  • DO keep the video short – about 15-30 seconds
  • DO show or audibly hear a parent/guardian within any video content that shows children (i.e. it can be a hand in the frame, but there needs to be some inclination of an adult in the frame/video). A child should never be shown alone within the video content


  • DO NOT show food
  • DO NOT add text on video
  • DO NOT show anyone in the video who has not signed a release.
  • DO NOT show any people in your content who have not granted permission to be included (i.e. pedestrians in the background).
  • DO NOT include any branded or copyrighted images/images that are not your own (i.e. GIFs, stock images, or brand images).
  • DO NOT depict or mention any other brands or logos in your video content. This includes clothing/fashion logos, copyrighted characters, foods, beverages, tech logos, medicines, or tattoos.
  • DO NOT show any items that would be considered someone else’s intellectual property (e.g. book covers, artwork, statement jewelry, tattoos, recognizable cartoon characters, etc.)
  • DO NOT post the video to your social channels, even if we select to use or video or not (if you do, we must remove your video submission).
  • DO NOT put yourself or others at risk!
  • DO NOT film on private property (avoid filming in locations that are recognizable (e.g. Disney World, your neighborhood bar, etc.))
  • DO NOT show or reference violence, politics, explicit content, nudity or profanity.
  • DO NOT show yourself or others drinking alcohol.
  • DO NOT leverage any outside music.
  • DO NOT comment or respond to any reporter or press requests associated with this program. Should anyone reach out, please alert your contact through Flare Marketplace.



Process and Timeline:

***IMPORTANT: The initial stage of this brief will be to select / shortlist talent. Please submit a recent headshot of your proposed talent including with clear visibility of their face marking, as well as your contact information (cell / email).***

  • Brief goes live: Wednesday, 13th March, 2023
  • Brief closes: Sunday 24th March, 2023 23:59 PST
  • Award: No later than Wednesday, 26th March, 2023
  • Shoot Window: 5th – 9th April, 2023
  • Final Delivery of Footage/Assets to Post House: 9th April, 2023

Please do not submit a video if you have not been reached out to following your initial submission.

Tech Specs:
Please shoot vertically with your mobile phone in a 9:16 format. Please shoot in the highest resolution your mobile phone will allow. 

The Legal Bit
If chosen to film a video with your talent, you will need to submit a signed ‘release form’ that will be provided for anyone who appears in your video and upload it alongside your video – this basically gives us permission to use your video.

Your proposal should consider the budget available as a fixed cost. The fixed cost budget will need to cover all production elements as outlined in the checklist on the side bar.

The deadline for submitting your pitch is Sunday 24th March, 2023 23:59 PST