

Choose Pleasure


Pitch a true story for Galaxy chocolate of a woman who chooses to seek out pleasure in unexpected ways...


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Galaxy wanted to develop on their ‘Choose Pleasure’ campaign by finding real stories of women who have busy working lives but find time in their busy schedules to commit to doing something pleasurable, whatever that may be.

We asked the community to send us stories of inspiring women from around the world and selected three diverse stories and characters that fitted best with the brand campaign.


Dean Moore pitched and directed the story of Catherine in Alaska, who is an engineer and a mother who finds pleasure in her busy life by racing huskies competitively.

Rosie used to ride horses for pleasure then decided to up the stakes and complexity by horse vaulting. Studio Yes and director Sam Davis created this beautiful film that shows the grace and strength of both Rosie and her horse.

Meliani is a female, Indonesian, muslim guitarist who mixes death metal with traditional Indonesian music and her pleasure is making as much noise as she can. Grain Media and director Abbie Brandon created this unique insight into Meliani’s life.