start Feb 26, 2021
due Mar 07, 2021
Bayer brands Flintstones Vitamins and AlkaSeltzer Kids both had new campaigns and decided to combine both launches into one production. The Flintstones campaign was a development of a previous project through Flare Studio (see gallery) called ‘Growing Up Takes Strength’ that showed all the little falls, fails, and frustration that are an essential part of growing up. While The Alkaseltzer scripts focussed on kids aged 6-11 who like to indulge in sweet things often at the expense of their tummies.
We reached out to the Flare Studio community of directors to find someone who had experience working with children and was able to get fun and authentic performances with a humorous and commercial tone.
AlkaSelzer Tummy Relief
Flintstones Vitamins Batting Practice