

Pay By Purr


Whiskas want to show happy cats at home for their new campaign. Send in shots of your cats purring and if selected you’ll be awarded $1000 per clip.


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For Whiskas Pay By Purr campaign we asked the Flare Marketplace community to send in videos of cats purring they had filmed at home.

Whiskas wanted a wide range and variety of breeds, ages, colours and sizes for their UGC social campaign.

Below are some of the films:



  • Deliverables

    5-30 second clips of Cats purring

  • Shoot Location

    Global (Interiors only)

  • Usage

    Global, Online & Social (including paid media), 2 years from first use date

  • Fee if selected

    $1000 USD

What we’re after:


We’re looking for videos of cats purring. Or cats looking as if they’re purring. Don’t worry about us hearing the actual purr – we can add that in later if needs be. It’s more cats looking relaxed, or being stroked, perhaps with closed or partially closed eyes in some cases. Anything that suggests the cat is content and might be purring.




They should be places you’d naturally find cats: on sofas, on chairs, on beds, in homes. Nowhere artificial like a studio setting. The cat can be on its own or sitting on a human– if on a human let’s make the cat the focus and avoid showing human faces. No cats outside.



Vertical/ portrait video. Should feel user-generated – as if they’ve been captured on a mobile phone. (We can also have wider formats that can be cropped to mobile dimensions).




Our cats will appear in social ads, with type and visual elements above and around them as per the reference visuals. Allowing space above and below our cats for these elements will be useful - see document in download sidebar for guidance.



A hand held feel is fine but keep movement to a minimum. A longer stable shot is better than moving around too much.



We’d like to show a wide range and variety of breeds, ages, colours and sizes. Whiskas has a silver tabby cat as its mascot, so having some of these in the mix (at least 5) will be useful (see reference image). We cannot use any Russian Blue cats (Sheba Cats), Black and White (Felix) cats. No cats in clothes.



At least 4/5 seconds - ideally 30 seconds so we can do cutdowns ourselves.




Ideally portrait (1080 x 1920) .MOV or MP4 ideally, minimum 1080 x 1920.


Do’s and Don’ts:


  • Film on any device you choose – it can be on your phone or on a professional camera, if you have one
  • Try to keep it short – it should be no longer than 30 seconds
  • If you can send in more than one clip. This gives us more options and more chance we’ll select your clip
  • Please avoid identifiable brands, trademarks or people eg take the Nike jumper out of shot, don’t film with a Brad Pit poster in the background.
  • Please don’t include music (either on your clip or in the background)
  • Please, no nudity or profanity in the footage
  • Please don’t include children under the age of 18 included in the footage
  • Do not put yourself or your cat at risk
  • Please try and show a natural but clean environment
  • Ensure that your cat is comfortable and natural in their environment and that there is enough lighting to clearly see what he/she is doing
  • Do not add any effects, titles or color grading to your clips. We just need the raw footage



What do I do once I’ve filmed my cat?


Click the ‘Submit’ tab on the brief page and just drag and drop the file of your video onto the page. Fill in the information on the form and hit ‘submit’. Easy!


You can submit as many clips as you like.



The deadline for submitting your clips is 8th Feb 2022



The legal bit


  • Please sign a ‘release form’ for your cat (which you can download from the sidebar) and upload alongside your video(s) – this basically gives us your permission to use your clip.
  • Note that we will likely edit your video with other clips that we receive.