

Off! Thailand


Shoot a 30 second script and cutdown films for SCJ Off! Insect repellent lotion in Thailand for TV and online…


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SCJ were looking to create a suite of TV and social ads for a Thai market featuring a well know Thai actress and her daughter for Off! insect spray. The script was based around a successful campaign made for an Indonesian market and they wanted to retain a similar structure but shoot in Thailand with a Thai cast, Thai locations and Thai art direction.  

We reached out to the Flare Studio community to find a Thai and English speaking director and team to produce the project alongside BBDO Shanghai. It was a truly global project with the original script from indonesia with the creative and client based in China and Thailand, produced from the UK and shot in Thailand.

Tom Waller pitched for the project and as a Thai and English speaking director with a wealth of commercial experience and a great aesthetic he was the obvious choice for the project.